There's a better way to manage and cook with your digital recipes

Use these features for free

save icon


Use the browser extension to save any online recipe in English

notate icon


Remember changes you made to the recipe by adding notes

organize icon


Catalogue your collection with custom tags

work icon


Easily switch between recipes and keep your screen awake while cooking

Don't pay for features you won't use

Mix and match to create the perfect app tailored to your specific needs. Sign up and try all features for free for 14 days. No credit card required.

nutrition icon
Nutrition Analyzer


Get the nutrition information for recipes that don’t already include it

unlimited storage icon
Unlimited Storage

$1 per month

Start with 2 GB of space, then keep adding to your recipe collection with unlimited storage

automatic organization icon
Automatic Organization


Organizing tags are automatically created for you based on the ingredients and keywords in the recipe

optical character recognition icon
Optical Character Recognition


Digitize recipes from cookbooks or handwritten recipe cards so your collection is in one easy-to-get-to place

voice control icon
Voice Control


Sync Chef’s Pal to your smart home assistant for a hands free experience. Your device will talk you through the recipe so you’re not touching your electronics with food-covered hands

apron logomark for chef's pal

See what other users are saying

headshot of Jimmy

“ Chef’s Pal is simple, just what I needed. ”

- Jimmy D.

headshot of Leslie

“ All of my printed and handwritten recipes are at my fingertips and I can follow them on any device in the kitchen. So easy! ”

- Leslie H.

headshot of Marla

“ I was able to create my perfect app with the custom upgrades. ”

- Marla K.